If you are looking for web hosting for your website or blog then you want to make sure that you choose the right hosting service for it. Good web hosting matters more than you might think, so choosing the right host is a very important decision to make.
All the web hosting service providers that we review are rated on five separate categories. The categories each have several different things that fall into each category and each category is worth up to 5 stars. A perfect five star score in every category would be worth a total of 25 stars.
The five categories are:
- Price
- Support
- Features
- Uptime
- Performance
Several similar aspects of web hosting services that are closely related are grouped into the best fit of one of the above listed categories. This is done to simplify things for our readers so that they don’t get overwhelmed by the countless different aspects of a web hosting service.
All of our reviews are unbiased and our ratings are honest and accurate based on all information that we gather at the time of the review.
If you would like to see the full detailed review for any of the web hosting providers listed in the chart below then you can just click on the name and it will take you to our full review of that particular web host on its particular review page.
There are thousands of different web hosting companies around the world so it is impossible to review them all. What we do is review the most popular, more commonly looked into as well as web hosting companies that are suggested by our readers.
The hosts listed closer to the top of our chart below have higher ratings and the hosts closer to the bottom have lower ratings. There could be times where any of these hosts might fit the different needs of different websites better or worse, so these ratings are based on the general needs of most websites and blogs.
We are always reviewing more web hosting services, so check back anytime to see our newest reviews.
See the individual reviews for all the web hosting services we have reviewed HERE!
(Disclaimer: Purchases through some links on our site may earn us an affiliate commission.)